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JV Kids Camp Scholarship Fund

JV Kids Camp is an annual event specifically for our JV Third Culture Kids (TCKs), ages 8-18. A TCK is someone who spends a significant amount of their developmental years outside their parents’ passport culture, accompanying their parents to a different country for the purpose of work or study. The TCK life is characterized by high mobility and navigating many unknown and unfamiliar situations. It can be a lonely path, so knowing others who experience the same kind of struggles can be incredibly powerful and encouraging for them.

In JV, we long to see kids and their families thrive on the mission field. Camp is a significant event for these kids. As one JV Kid described it: “While each kid’s experience is a bit different, we all know that struggle with belonging and identity. The fact that we could bond over deep things, encourage one another, have fun, and laugh and cry together, that was so special.”

We are looking for funds to cover each JVK’s camp cost, which is $260 per child for the week-long camp in Poland. Gifts given will go towards a fund that will directly build up, encourage, and empower these JV Kids as they grow up on the mission field. This year, we expect to have 52 campers from 8 different countries plus 24 members of staff. Camp is staffed by JV missionaries who give up a week of their year to come to serve as Bible teachers, small group leaders, game masters, and craft extraordinaires. They have a lifelong impact on the JV Kids. If you would like to give towards staff’s camp costs, you may do so as well.

Thank you for partnering with us and investing in the next generation of young leaders and followers of Jesus in Central and Eastern Europe...the JV Kids!

To give another amount not listed here, select one of these options, click "give", and then adjust the amount you'd like to give on the following page.

Camp Scholarships (camper and staff): $260

Partial Scholarship: $100

Enter the quantity for each item below:

Full Camp Scholarship (campers & staff) $260 - 36 remaining
Partial Camp Scholarship $100 - 45 remaining

Total: $0.00