We provide mission experiences that equip your students to fulfill Christ's commission.
Develop Your team
Are you searching for a high impact missions experience this summer?
Desire to equip your students to share their faith peer-to-peer, in English, yet cross culturally?
Concerned about the complexity of overseas missions?
Looking for opportunities to mature your leaders in discipleship?
Want your missions experience to make a sustainable impact?
Build God’s Kingdom
Utilize Our Experience
We have over 25 Years of experience working with teams in Central & Eastern Europe.
Our staff of over 300 is engaged with more than 400 churches in full-time ministry.
We’ve hosted over 1000 English, Sports & Music camps with an evangelistic focus.
We are in 15 countries where less than 1% of young people know Christ.
“JV does an amazing job reducing the amount of work that you have to do and really reduces the amount of things you have to figure out.”
“Serving cross-culturally helped me have a greater understanding of discipleship, allowing me to return home and try new ideas with my youth.”
“It’s so cool to see a student last year who wasn’t a believer, become a believer at camp.”