Originally from Croatia, Judita and Mladen arrived in Slovenia in October 2008 with plans to further their education. Mladen had enrolled in a sports education program, while Judita began her studies at a music academy. …Read more
Weronika was brought up in a Christian family but didn’t believe in God herself. She was broken, without hope and purpose in life, and struggled with depression. When she gave her life to Jesus at the age of 17, she knew …Read more
Paula was born in Ventspils and has lived there her whole life. Since she was born, her mom was part of the church and Paula attended Sunday School and later, youth nights. When she was 12, through a difficult family situation, …Read more
Vitalіy was born and raised in Luhansk, eastern Ukraine. He accepted Christ and was born again in 2010 in a small, family-style church. Vitaliy attended seminary in the Department of Teenage and Youth Ministry at the Kyiv …Read more
Michal and Katarína met for the first time while serving at an English camp in their local church. Their life story is quite similar. They are both “fruits” of several projects led by TCKompas—Josiah Venture’s (JV) partner …Read more
Paul’s first experience with Josiah Venture was in 1998 when he and his wife Val brought a short-term team to serve at an English camp in the Czech Republic. It marked the beginning of a deep connection with JV and a burden …Read more
Henryk was born into a Christian family in the Czech Republic. He always had a great passion for sports and music, but since his childhood, he also had a desire to serve God and follow Him. He was baptized in 2011, and after …Read more
Kilian grew up in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in the German countryside, hearing about faith his entire childhood. At the age of 12, he discovered the heart of the gospel and God's love at a camp, desiring to follow …Read more
Peter and Eva met while attending college in Žilina, Slovakia during the communist era. Together they were involved in pioneering a youth ministry in their local church. Married shortly after the Velvet Revolution, Eva began …Read more
Evan was born into an unbelieving family in Chornomorsk, Southern Ukraine. At the age of 15, he started to attend a ministry for teenagers in a local church. After a few years of attending that ministry, he decided to follow …Read more
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