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Ukraine is experiencing a movement of God in the local church and is home to the fastest growing church in Europe. Discipling new believers is a key need in responding to the church‘s evangelistic success.


Ukraine is home to the fastest growing church in Europe.

Brief History

Ukrainian USSR was one of the founding republics of the USSR as far back as 1918. Ukraine has a history of shifting borders and external control. The Orthodox Church has been one of the only withstanding entities of Ukraine. Much of Ukrainian identity is thus found in Orthodoxy. In 1991, the Soviet Union fell, freeing Ukraine as an independent country, but in 2004 the Orange Revolution showed Ukraine’s continued political instability. 70% of Ukrainians still claim to belong to Orthodox Christianity; however, due to the political pressure the church succumbed to under communism, many Ukrainians are skeptical toward it.

Spiritual Demographics

Ukraine is approximately the size of Texas and has a population of approximately 48 million. Only 1-3% of the population is protestant Christian (Baptist and Pentecostal denominations). Unfortunately, the rule-based legalism of the Orthodox Church has impacted the protestant denominations as well.

Ministry Outlook

Ukraine is home to the fastest growing church in Europe. The youth of Ukraine are very open. There is a sense of hope among them that does not exist in the older generation. Often the local church faces a challenge of clashing cultures as young and old struggle over forms of church. In 2006, a small Josiah Venture team moved into the city of Lviv. They began working with local churches to help build youth groups and train youth leaders. They began evangelistic outreaches through camps and English clubs. Josiah Venture has a strategic opportunity to help by modeling healthy discipleship of young people through the local church in a culture that is responding to God‘s call. Pray with us that we can help build sustaining youth ministries, disciple believers to have authentic faith, and train passionate leaders to lead new believers.

Meet the Missionaries

These passionate full-time missionaries have devoted their lives to equipping young leaders in Ukraine through the local church.


Ministry Projects

Help a Frontline Worker in Ukraine

Our team has identified 50 ministry leaders across eastern Ukraine who are bearing much fruit! These leader have made a significant impact on the expansion of God’s kingdom since the full-scale war began, primarily in the areas of youth ministry and forming new churches in difficult areas. Your gifts will help mobilize these leaders and ministries to serve their vulnerable communities and boldly proclaim the hope we have in Christ.

Help Ukraine – General Fund

The Josiah Venture team continues to serve Ukrainians by responding to their various needs in the midst of war. Currently, the team is focused on three major areas of aid: Youth Ministry Development: Our geographical focus is on 14 of the hardest-hit regions of Ukraine, primarily east of the Dnipro River. In these areas, we have been more closely partnering with 50 churches/key leaders who are courageously and intentionally ministering to youth in challenging times. Ongoing Aid to Key Partners: Due to the atrocities of war, we remain open to helping our...

Send a Ukrainian to Summer Camp

Financial times are hard in Ukraine, yet summer camps continue to be a fruitful tool to encourage young people to follow Christ. Since the war started, JV Ukraine has been hosting a record amount of camps each summer (30+). Financial assistance for camp scholarships will help families in financial hardship.

Help a Frontline Worker in Ukraine

Our team has identified 50 ministry leaders across eastern Ukraine who are bearing much fruit! These leader have made a significant impact on the expansion of God’s kingdom since the full-scale war began, primarily in the areas of youth ministry and forming new churches in difficult areas. Your gifts will help mobilize these leaders and ministries to serve their vulnerable communities and boldly proclaim the hope we have in Christ.

Help Ukraine – General Fund

The Josiah Venture team continues to serve Ukrainians by responding to their various needs in the midst of war. Currently, the team is focused on three major areas of aid: Youth Ministry Development: Our geographical focus is on 14 of the hardest-hit regions of Ukraine, primarily east of the Dnipro River. In these areas, we have been more closely partnering with 50 churches/key leaders who are courageously and intentionally ministering to youth in challenging times. Ongoing Aid to Key Partners: Due to the atrocities of war, we remain open to helping our...

Send a Ukrainian to Summer Camp

Financial times are hard in Ukraine, yet summer camps continue to be a fruitful tool to encourage young people to follow Christ. Since the war started, JV Ukraine has been hosting a record amount of camps each summer (30+). Financial assistance for camp scholarships will help families in financial hardship.

Help a Frontline Worker in Ukraine

Our team has identified 50 ministry leaders across eastern Ukraine who are bearing much fruit! These leader have made a significant impact on the expansion of God’s kingdom since the full-scale war began, primarily in the areas of youth ministry and forming new churches in difficult areas. Your gifts will help mobilize these leaders and ministries to serve their vulnerable communities and boldly proclaim the hope we have in Christ.

Help Ukraine – General Fund

The Josiah Venture team continues to serve Ukrainians by responding to their various needs in the midst of war. Currently, the team is focused on three major areas of aid: Youth Ministry Development: Our geographical focus is on 14 of the hardest-hit regions of Ukraine, primarily east of the Dnipro River. In these areas, we have been more closely partnering with 50 churches/key leaders who are courageously and intentionally ministering to youth in challenging times. Ongoing Aid to Key Partners: Due to the atrocities of war, we remain open to helping our...

Send a Ukrainian to Summer Camp

Financial times are hard in Ukraine, yet summer camps continue to be a fruitful tool to encourage young people to follow Christ. Since the war started, JV Ukraine has been hosting a record amount of camps each summer (30+). Financial assistance for camp scholarships will help families in financial hardship.

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