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Czech Republic

Though it has gained recent recognition for its athletes, most notably in soccer and hockey, the Czech Republic boasts a long history of famous composers, thinkers, and innovators.

Czech Republic

A new generation of leaders has risen up since the revolution.

Brief History

Surprisingly, a rich spiritual heritage is part of Czech history, including Jan Hus, a reformer who inspired Martin Luther, and the Moravian Brethren, who in a period of 20 years accomplished more missionary work than the entire Protestant church in the 200 years preceding. Despite this heritage, the forced domination of the Catholic Church during the 1800’s and the powerful impact of communism during the 1900’s produced a nation that is profoundly secular and quite skeptical of religion. Some say it is the most atheistic nation on earth, with the highest percentage of people convinced that God and a spiritual world does not even exist.

Spiritual Demographics

The evangelical church is tiny, making up only less than one third of one percent in a country of 10 and a half million. Most Czechs have no religious affiliation. Several cults have made significant inroads in recent years, particularly the Jehovah’s witnesses. They number close to 25,000, making them twice as large as the largest evangelical denomination.

Ministry Outlook

Still, the church is growing, and there is a renewed interest in spiritual things, especially among young people. A new generation of leaders has risen up since the revolution, and their efforts are bringing significant change to the spiritual climate of the country. Camps and relational evangelism have been particularly effective, since extended time is needed to break down the barriers of mistrust and give enough information so a challenge to faith in Christ can be made. The greatest need is for evangelism of the lost while the doors of interest are still open, and for equipping a new generation of leaders for the Church.

Pray for courage and innovation in evangelism, and pray that the Church would not fall into complacency or be lured by the god of materialism. Pray for people to serve and do the work that so desperately need to be done in order to mobilize young people for the task of building Christ’s Kingdom.

Meet the Missionaries

These passionate full-time missionaries have devoted their lives to equipping young leaders in the Czech Republic through the local church.

Czech Republic

Ministry Projects

Give to currently active ministry projects in the Czech Republic.

Czech Youth Ministry Team

The Czech Youth Ministry team engages in various activities ranging from mentoring, training, and relational support to outreach programs that are relevant to today’s youth culture. A general gift to the Czech Youth Ministry Team allows us to quickly direct funds to those projects and programs currently in the most need.

EDGE Sports Outreach – Czech Republic

Having partnered with the Czech Association of Ultimate Frisbee, EDGE Sports is helping local churches create teams that engage in weekly training sessions of both sports drills and spiritual awareness. Every week, these teams build young athletes both physically and mentally and spiritually and the platform allows young christians to engage with their non-believing friends by inviting them to practice. Although starting only a few months ago, there are already 11 teams in regular competition with many churches requesting information on how to join.

EXIT Tour – Czech Republic

EXIT partners with local churches to train local youth in discipleship and evangelism and provides an incredible opportunity to put that knowledge into action. Once trained, the program goes into public schools using national speakers talking on prevention topics, interactive workshops, and a US/UK band to create relationships with students and bridge relationships to the local church. Afternoon events such as hang-outs, workshops, and concerts help to advance those relationships and provide a platform to share the Gospel every afternoon.

Fusion Music Outreach – Czech Republic

Reaching youth through rock/gospel choirs and performing arts groups based in local churches, Fusion is a high-relational ministry that connects with teens’ heart-language and allows for churches to meet them in a safe yet relevant context. Today, Fusion is in 12 cities across the Czech Republic and engages over 350 teens every week, many of whom have already placed their faith in Jesus Christ.

School for Life – Czech Republic

School for Life empowers Christian Educators to bring life values into public schools. We equip educators, speakers, and young leaders via tools, training, conferences, e-learning, and personal mentoring. We see schools as crucial places to shape youth’s character and virtues through our Spiritual Heritage programs, ethics, and civil education. This long-term impact is helping to change the lives of young people who will bring transformation into society. In 2010, School For Life began building a Czech Network of Christian teachers, which is now connecting 400 Christian teachers and 100 speakers. We...

Young Leader Training and Conferences – Czech Republic

Equipping young leaders to serve in their local churches and communities through training conferences and one-on-one mentoring. Our training and mentoring teams provide practical tools, mentoring, coaching, training, inspiration, and fellowship for young leaders from the Czech Republic.

Czech Youth Ministry Team

The Czech Youth Ministry team engages in various activities ranging from mentoring, training, and relational support to outreach programs that are relevant to today’s youth culture. A general gift to the Czech Youth Ministry Team allows us to quickly direct funds to those projects and programs currently in the most need.

EDGE Sports Outreach – Czech Republic

Having partnered with the Czech Association of Ultimate Frisbee, EDGE Sports is helping local churches create teams that engage in weekly training sessions of both sports drills and spiritual awareness. Every week, these teams build young athletes both physically and mentally and spiritually and the platform allows young christians to engage with their non-believing friends by inviting them to practice. Although starting only a few months ago, there are already 11 teams in regular competition with many churches requesting information on how to join.

EXIT Tour – Czech Republic

EXIT partners with local churches to train local youth in discipleship and evangelism and provides an incredible opportunity to put that knowledge into action. Once trained, the program goes into public schools using national speakers talking on prevention topics, interactive workshops, and a US/UK band to create relationships with students and bridge relationships to the local church. Afternoon events such as hang-outs, workshops, and concerts help to advance those relationships and provide a platform to share the Gospel every afternoon.

Fusion Music Outreach – Czech Republic

Reaching youth through rock/gospel choirs and performing arts groups based in local churches, Fusion is a high-relational ministry that connects with teens’ heart-language and allows for churches to meet them in a safe yet relevant context. Today, Fusion is in 12 cities across the Czech Republic and engages over 350 teens every week, many of whom have already placed their faith in Jesus Christ.

School for Life – Czech Republic

School for Life empowers Christian Educators to bring life values into public schools. We equip educators, speakers, and young leaders via tools, training, conferences, e-learning, and personal mentoring. We see schools as crucial places to shape youth’s character and virtues through our Spiritual Heritage programs, ethics, and civil education. This long-term impact is helping to change the lives of young people who will bring transformation into society. In 2010, School For Life began building a Czech Network of Christian teachers, which is now connecting 400 Christian teachers and 100 speakers. We...

Young Leader Training and Conferences – Czech Republic

Equipping young leaders to serve in their local churches and communities through training conferences and one-on-one mentoring. Our training and mentoring teams provide practical tools, mentoring, coaching, training, inspiration, and fellowship for young leaders from the Czech Republic.

Czech Youth Ministry Team

The Czech Youth Ministry team engages in various activities ranging from mentoring, training, and relational support to outreach programs that are relevant to today’s youth culture. A general gift to the Czech Youth Ministry Team allows us to quickly direct funds to those projects and programs currently in the most need.

EDGE Sports Outreach – Czech Republic

Having partnered with the Czech Association of Ultimate Frisbee, EDGE Sports is helping local churches create teams that engage in weekly training sessions of both sports drills and spiritual awareness. Every week, these teams build young athletes both physically and mentally and spiritually and the platform allows young christians to engage with their non-believing friends by inviting them to practice. Although starting only a few months ago, there are already 11 teams in regular competition with many churches requesting information on how to join.

EXIT Tour – Czech Republic

EXIT partners with local churches to train local youth in discipleship and evangelism and provides an incredible opportunity to put that knowledge into action. Once trained, the program goes into public schools using national speakers talking on prevention topics, interactive workshops, and a US/UK band to create relationships with students and bridge relationships to the local church. Afternoon events such as hang-outs, workshops, and concerts help to advance those relationships and provide a platform to share the Gospel every afternoon.

Fusion Music Outreach – Czech Republic

Reaching youth through rock/gospel choirs and performing arts groups based in local churches, Fusion is a high-relational ministry that connects with teens’ heart-language and allows for churches to meet them in a safe yet relevant context. Today, Fusion is in 12 cities across the Czech Republic and engages over 350 teens every week, many of whom have already placed their faith in Jesus Christ.

School for Life – Czech Republic

School for Life empowers Christian Educators to bring life values into public schools. We equip educators, speakers, and young leaders via tools, training, conferences, e-learning, and personal mentoring. We see schools as crucial places to shape youth’s character and virtues through our Spiritual Heritage programs, ethics, and civil education. This long-term impact is helping to change the lives of young people who will bring transformation into society. In 2010, School For Life began building a Czech Network of Christian teachers, which is now connecting 400 Christian teachers and 100 speakers. We...

Young Leader Training and Conferences – Czech Republic

Equipping young leaders to serve in their local churches and communities through training conferences and one-on-one mentoring. Our training and mentoring teams provide practical tools, mentoring, coaching, training, inspiration, and fellowship for young leaders from the Czech Republic.


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