Praying For Safety
Aug 4, 2014 | 2 min read | Dave Patty
Dear Friends,
These days, I find myself praying a lot for safety.
News affects you differently when danger comes close to people you know. Dear Israeli friends of ours have a son deployed on the front lines of the battle against Hamas. I follow the news there with a sick feeling in my gut, knowing that those bombs and bullets could be striking very close to home.
The situation in Ukraine continues to unravel in unexpected ways. Our precious JV team is deeply affected by the conflict—one that has no guaranteed end. On top of this pressure, one of our Ukraine summer interns had to have her gallbladder removed this week. Our team made the wise decision to drive her out to Krakow, Poland for the surgery, and then headed back for the next round of camps.
I am praying for safety.
Across the rest of the twelve JV countries, camps are still in full swing. I dropped in on two of them tonight and saw rooms packed with young people, many hearing the story of Jesus for the first time. I thought back to what Christ said to his disciples during his last conversation in the upper room.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NIV)
Peace is possible in Israel. Peace is accessible in Ukraine. Peace is found in a person, not in a political system. We are promised trouble, but given the chance to hide ourselves in triumph. Safety is only found in the victory of Jesus. This protection is not threatened by the worst the world can throw at us. I long for more people in Israel, and in Ukraine, and at our English camps, to enter into the perfect protection of Jesus.
Keep praying for safety,
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