In some of the most atheistic places on the planet, here in Central and Eastern Europe, teenagers can feel like there is no exit for the dangerous paths they walk down that ultimately lead to death. Yet, God is miraculously opening doors into public schools, giving Josiah Venture the opportunity to share with thousands of young people how Scripture’s truth and the love of Christ offer the only way out. Using an innovative prevention program, Exit is our ministry that brings lectures, concerts, and workshops full of Biblical values into students’ lives.
What started as a television program for teenagers in the Czech Republic in 2008, is now a full-fledged ministry highway that is bringing a healthy, Christian perspective and local church resources to un-churched young people in schools across the region. We’ve seen students take complete u-turns and exit dark roads in order to pursue the better plan God has for them and we pray that Exit continues to inspire even more personal and societal transformation in the future.