December 9, 2016
Persevering Prayer
Dear Friends,
Every major revival in history has been preceded by persevering prayer.
Before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the outbreak of revival in Jerusalem, the disciples were “constantly in prayer” (Acts 1:14).
Before launching the Moravian missionary movement that spread the gospel literally around the world in the early 1700s, the small Moravian community in Herrnhut, Germany committed themselves to 24-hour prayer. One man and one woman prayed every hour, around the clock for the needs of their community, and then for the world. This “prayer watch” lasted for three months, then a year, then 10 years, eventually stretching unbroken for 100 years!
What this small community accomplished for Christ during that period is astounding. It can only be explained by the power of God released through their persevering prayer.
Since you are here, I hope you already know our vision. We are working toward a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe, one that finds its home in the local church, and transforms society.
Since this vision can only be accomplished through an outpouring of the power of God, we have set aside 2017 as the year of prayer. Inspired by the Moravian prayer watch, our goal is to mobilize 365 days of 24-hour unbroken prayer for the youth of Central and Eastern Europe.
To meet this goal, we are excited to announce the launch of our unique online Prayer Room that is live for sign-ups this month. The first prayer watch begins January 1, 2017.
On the site, you’ll be able to sign up to fill one hour time slots throughout the year. For each hour you reserve, you will be sent a link to enter the Prayer Room at your designated time. Once in the room, you will be led through an hour of personal connection with God and specific prayer requests from JV ministries and missionaries in 13 countries. We invite you to sign up as many times as you want, as each experience will be different because of constantly updated requests. We want to see every hour of the year covered in prayer.
Are you curious? This is a unique mission’s prayer opportunity that you don’t want to miss! Visit now and find out more about the Prayer Room. Will you be part of this persevering prayer?
Join the watch!
—Dave Patty, President, Josiah Venture