May 13, 2023
Dear Friends,
What did you care about when you were a teenager?
I’m sure that you were interested in relationships. You were probably trying to figure out who you were and how you fit, and were most likely following some music artist or band. If a bit of adventure is mixed in, all the better..
So, I’m sure you would have liked Fusiondary! This amazing event gathered 700 young people from 13 different countries to a weekend festival at the end of April, with music, art, and powerful messages about a personal relationship with Jesus. Those participating were young people who are involved in 25 Fusion choirs started by JV staff.
Over 60% of the teenagers in these Fusion groups are unbelievers, but they come week after week to learn how to sing, play musical instruments, and hear more about God. At the Fusiondary festival, the choirs perform for each other, and experience the thrill of the big stage with lights and great sound, in front of an enthusiastic audience of their peers.
Most of them traveled by chartered bus for many hours across several country borders to join the event in the Czech Republic. The Fusion choirs from Ukraine had to get special permission from the Ministry of Culture to leave their country and 11 of the boys who were 18 and older were not allowed to attend. For most of the Ukrainians, it was their first time out of the country since the war began.
One of the highlights was when the entire audience surrounded the Ukrainian Fusion in prayer after their concert. Since many of them had never experienced the support of Christian community before, it touched them very deeply. Only in eternity will we know the full impact of this powerful weekend.
It takes special commitment and creativity to reach this next generation with the gospel. With so many distractions and opportunities at their fingertips, we have to reach them with what truly interests them. Fusion gathers young people into a dynamic community centered around music and the arts—and a living relationship with Jesus. It responds to their felt needs of peer relationships and growth, while addressing their real need of reconciliation with God.
On the last day of the festival, one of the boys from Latvia ran up to his leaders with just one request: “Could Fusiondary be at least a week long next year, or even two weeks?” What he doesn’t know is that we are hoping to do much better than that. Depending on his response, the music could last for an eternity.
Thanks for helping us reach the next generation with the good news,