November 2, 2015
It Can Change Their Life
Dear Friends,
It can change their life.
Last summer over 100 college student spent three months serving with JV, learning to reach the lost, make disciples, and share the gospel in a cross cultural setting. It is not easy to step out in faith and follow God’s call into missions. But the lessons they learn can last a lifetime. Catherine, a Wheaton College sophomore, shares with us these excerpts from her summer journal, written after gospel night at camp.
“Last night, I felt His presence and I saw tangible evidence of how drastically He can change people’s hearts. I could see a new hope, joy, and love in the youth that was never there before. The darkness and emptiness behind their eyes was lifted and instead tears poured out as they emptied themselves of their old selves.”
“Even the students who were stone cold the whole week had smiles plastered across their faces. Wow! Never before have I see God’s power to change people like I did last night. And I don’t want to forget what I saw. Lives being saved and brought to Jesus is the best thing I can ever experience.”
By the end of the summer this experience had left a permanent mark. Here is what she wrote the day before leaving for home:
“I can’t forget the way that God has worked in my heart and others’ hearts this summer. Just the vast amount of power that He has to change hearts astonishes me. I cannot become stagnant. My life will be devoted to Christ, regardless of my occupation. Truly, my life is meant to be devoted to the Lord.”
This month we are already beginning to process intern applications for next summer. Most college students make their decisions about internships before the end of the year. Perhaps you know a friend or relative who needs to hear about this unique opportunity. If so, could you tell them about Josiah Venture, and point them to the online information at
Pray with us that many others like Catherine will be transformed by serving, and that through their faithfulness young people in Central and Eastern Europe will be changed – forever.
Grateful for your prayers and partnership,
—Dave Patty, President, Josiah Venture