May 29, 2024
Summer Ministry Prayer
Camps are right around the corner, which means that local churches are preparing to receive interns, mission teams, and young people into their doors for an exciting season of ministry. We expect around 3,000 unbelieving young people to join us, and every summer, we recognize that we head into a battlefield. Young people will be hearing the gospel for the first time. Interns will be serving and potentially hearing the call to full-time ministry. Local churches will be experiencing more people in their buildings. Please join us in prayer for summer ministry.
Lord, we pray that your will be done this summer. We ask that you draw the hearts of young people to sign up for camp. We ask that you would give believing students boldness to invite their friends and schoolmates to camp. We pray for every flyer that will be passed out and every social media post that will be seen. We pray there will be no hindrances to their signing up for camp.
We also pray, Lord, that when these unbelieving young people hear the gospel boldly and clearly presented, their hearts will be ready to respond. We pray that many will receive the gospel and grow into mature disciples who love and follow you with their whole hearts. We ask that young people all across Central and Eastern Europe would make disciples who make disciples and that all of the summer fruit will be for your glory, Father, in this region.
We praise you for every believing youth leader, volunteer, and young person who will be present at these camps. We pray you will fill them with boldness through the power of your Holy Spirit. Refresh and encourage their hearts when energy is low. Multiply their rest as they serve long hours.
Lord, we thank you for every mission team, intern, and volunteer who will join your movement in Central and Eastern Europe this summer. We pray for each of these people as they prepare to serve. Ready their hearts and minds for all that you will teach them in the process. We pray that each person will be rooted and grounded in your love and truth. Father, we also ask for lasting partnerships that build up your local church and grow your Kingdom. We pray that you will provide financially for these teams and lead them spiritually.
Lord, we thank you in advance for all you will do this summer.
Thank you for praying for summer ministry. Please join us in our online prayer room to continue praying. Also, please follow us on social media for updates all summer long.