July 13, 2022
Help Ukraine – Phase Two
Dear Friends,
Four months have passed since the beginning of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, and many news reporters are already shifting their attention to other topics. However, for those of us close to the fight, the reality of war is ever-present—and our compassionate response is no less important.
Within just a few days of the invasion, our Josiah Venture team rallied to help in practical and powerful ways. Our initial focus was to help meet the needs of the millions of refugees, mainly women and children, who were fleeing the areas of danger and supply food and medical supplies to those on the front lines of the war. Many of you gave generously to make this happen. Here is a brief summary of what your gifts and prayers made possible.
- 5,450 people were evacuated from war zones into Western Ukraine and the EU.
- 51 busses transported refugees into the EU—mainly to our training centers H2O (Poland) and Malenovice (Czech Republic).
- 3,200 people received semi-permanent housing and placement in surrounding countries through the work of our team.
- 13,625 nights of housing were given to refugees in Ukraine and 31,875 meals were provided.
- 670 metric tons of food were purchased, delivered, and distributed—all through the hands of believers and local churches (45 full semi-trucks of food). This was enough for 1.8 million meals.
- 200,000 pieces of literature sharing the gospel, hope, and comfort were printed and distributed.
- $300,000 of medical supplies and aid were purchased and delivered.
As other relief organizations move into place, we are shifting gears into phase two of our response. This is focused on responding to the emotional and spiritual needs of those impacted by the war—particularly young people.
Imagine the stress on young people when they are uprooted from their homeland and displaced into foreign countries—often without fathers who have stayed behind to fight the war. Think about the emotional impact of constant air raid sirens and ever-present danger for those who remain in Ukraine. The good news of the gospel is the most important medicine we can offer to hurting souls.
That is why we are working to reach over 2,000 Ukrainian young people through evangelistic camps this summer and impact another 2,000 through over 50 outreach events in 15 surrounding countries.
Would you consider joining us in this bold initiative? Each of these young people need scholarships to attend, and the outreach events will cost between $1,000 – $3,000 apiece. If you are interested in joining us to make this happen, you can give to our “Help Ukraine” fund or visit the “Help Ukraine” page for more information.
Thank you for not forgetting those in suffering and pain,