February 9, 2021
Satisfied in Christ
Dear Friends,
What does it mean to be satisfied?
Certainly, there is much to be unsatisfied with these days. All of us are weary of restrictions and limitations brought on by Coronavirus. Each of us can think of concrete situations we wish were different, and uncomfortable conditions we long to change.
Getting in touch with this dissatisfaction was the first assignment for 100 Ukrainian girls who recently took part in an all-day online conference organized by our Josiah Venture team. To build community and connection, the girls met in 20 small groups scattered in homes in the towns where they live. The teaching and overall leadership happened through Zoom, but over half the time was spent in relationship building and discussion in small groups where they were physically present.
Our team had several goals in mind. First, to strengthen these girls spiritually, then, to equip their small group leaders, and finally, to build small groups that will continue to meet regularly in local churches long after the conference had passed.
The discussion about dissatisfaction was lively since there was no lack of relevant examples. From there, the focus turned to the nature of satisfaction and why we often remain unsatisfied—even in the best of circumstances. After that, the speakers directed their attention to Christ and shared that only in him can we be fully satisfied.
When the Apostle Paul spoke of being in need and being in plenty, he revealed the secret of satisfaction in every situation. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me,” he wrote (Philippians 4:13). The Apostle John testified to Christ when he wrote, “In him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5).
One small group leader shared that she could physically see the girls’ countenances change during the course of the day. An atmosphere that began with tension and stress was transformed to rest and hope, filled with warm conversation about the Lord.
Since then, the groups have continued to meet—a number of them led by new leaders. Several girls have asked for personal discipleship and are digging deeply into God’s Word.
Jesus is all we need. But we often don’t discover that he is all we need until he is all we have. The secret to true joy comes in finding our satisfaction in the grace and goodness of Christ.
I’m thankful that the light is still shining in the darkness.