June 4, 2018

An Amazing Race

Dear Friends,

It really is an amazing race.

This summer, when our 109 JV summer interns gather for training the first week of June, we don’t make it easy to get to their destination. After flying in from all over the world, they gather in the Vienna airport and are divided into teams to receive some simple instructions. From there they have to find their way to our training center several hundreds of miles away, accomplishing specific tasks along the way—and trying to get there before everyone else does.

They have a limited amount of money, destinations that must be found, and specific challenges to overcome. Over three days they race across three countries, navigating different cultures and relating to people who don’t speak their language.

Invariably, some get lost, have disagreements, run low on resources, and get tired. This is exactly what we want.  The amazing race is quite an adventure, but one with a specific purpose. These teams will be leading camps and sharing the gospel with thousands of young people in 14 countries around Central and Eastern Europe throughout the summer. They must be well prepared.

Eternal lives are at stake and these teams must be strong and ready for spiritual battle. A full week of training unpacks the lessons learned from the race and equips them to lead courageously and share the gospel boldly in the weeks ahead.

Most of our summer interns are college students, courageous young people who sacrifice their summer, and precious income, to invest their lives in eternity. Hundreds come to faith in Christ through their efforts, but the summer transforms them as well. Many of them change their life direction because of the experience and return home with a vision to build Christ’s kingdom wherever they are.

Would you pray for these precious young leaders during the months ahead? We want this summer to put them on a trajectory that will cause their entire lives to be lived with singular purpose, with their eyes fixed on the prize of Christ and his mission.

That is the most amazing race of all.

Dave Patty, President, Josiah Venture

Dave Patty President