February 18, 2017
A Day at Winter Camp
It started Wednesday morning, when a group of 30 or so exuberant high schoolers from Vsetin hopped off the train, piled their bags into a couple vans, and trekked up the hill to the cabins at Malenovice, Josiah Venture’s training center in the Czech Republic.
It’s winter break from school and the teens, whether they’re old pros at JV camp life or attending for the very first time, are ready for a few days of fun in the midst of a long and snowy season.
Now that it’s over, ask the students what their favorite part was and you’re sure to get a variety of answers from going skiing to learning English, from playing crazy games to having deep discussions about the Bible. But whatever the answer, one thing is clear: a day at winter camp, much like JV’s summer camps, is packed full of awesome activities meant to bring people closer to each other and closer to God.
Here’s a look at some of what goes on in a day at camp.
Listening to Talks
Playing Icebreaker Games
Singing Camp Songs (with Actions of Course!)
Learning English
Spending Time Outside
Hanging Out with Friends
We pray that these Czech students, wherever they are in their walks with Christ, would continue making steps forward in the right direction, just as they were challenged to yesterday in the evening program.
Pray with us for them and for the many other camps taking place throughout Central and Eastern Europe both in the winter and the summer months. May they always be days that inspire young people to love God and others well.