March 2, 2015
Looking at the Present Through the Lens of the Past
Dear Friends,
To be honest, it is hard for me to follow world news these days. The brutality of the ISIS fighters and the devastation being experienced in Ukraine are causing so much human suffering. I feel for these people, but at the same time feel powerless to bring any change.
For me these stories hit close to home since Central and Eastern Europe has seen two such waves of injustice in one generation. The quick succession of Hitler’s atrocities and communist totalitarianism were devastating to this region. People my age remember the second very well, and those my parent’s age had to endure both.
Yet today most of Central and Eastern Europe has unprecedented religious freedom and stability. We can share the gospel freely, even in schools. The torture chambers are silent; the concentration camps have been changed into tourist destinations.
How did this happen? Looking at the present through the lens of the past, here are a couple of lessons for us.
- Prayer does change things. The persistent intercession of God’s people has and is changing this region. Never minimize the effect of your prayers.
- Young people are extremely strategic. A young generation radicalized in the Mid-East is driving horrible atrocities. Young people reached with the gospel in Central and Eastern Europe are at the forefront of transforming an entire region.
- You and I are not powerless – even if we feel like it. All power has been given to Christ, and we have been sent in his name.
Just last week a 17 year old girl named Maruska trusted Christ in one of our Fusion choirs. Her parents are divorcing and she has to move to England with her mom. She asked the Fusion leader to explain how to give her life to Jesus so she wouldn’t have to go to England alone. That day one more life was transformed by the gospel.
There is much evil in the world. And you ARE making a difference through your gifts and prayers.
Thank you,
—Dave Patty, President, Josiah Venture